Tips to improve mathematical skills for board exams
Maths is a subject one fear of. Solving each question of it makes one more nervous and feels like one is doing wrong as the solution is still 100 steps away. Well mathematics is the most important subject for the engineers as All India exams as JEE Main and Advanced have a number of questions related strictly to maths. It is a subject that can make you fly high in the sky or even a single mistake can drown you into the harsh sea waves. It is only mathematics where one can score a perfect centum. Now, CBSE focuses on more application based questions which have been added in the curriculum as well. So this has made the final CBSE paper a bit tough for the students to score well. So how to score in boards mathematics exam? A child fears the most from the long questions where a straight cross can deduce the marks by 6 or 7. So they should be given the maximum time. As they are solved the tendency to score well increases and so the confidence level. ...